Thursday, June 30, 2011

Quote of the Day

 "Love comes to those who still hope even though they've been disappointed, to those who still believe even though they've been betrayed, to those who still love even though they've been hurt."

Wednesday, June 29, 2011


I can't tell if I'm excited, terrified or really happy.  Or maybe all of the above.  There's nothing like a fancy helmet and a motorcycle to bring out the joy!

Lyrics of the Day

Cause when push comes to shove, you taste what you're made of. You might bend til you break, cause it's all you can take. On your knees you look up, decide you've had enough, you get mad, you get strong, wipe your hands, shake it off... Then you STAND

-Rascal Flatts

Friday, June 24, 2011

Hysteria when you're near

Get ready, people.  Tonight I plan on rocking out to not one but TWO of the greatest 80s/90s rock bands EVER.  We're going to see
in concert at Walnut Creek.  SO much rock goodness, so much AquaNet.  Can you even stand my excitement!?!?!?! 

If I haven't said it lately...

I am blessed with the greatest girlfriends a girl could have.  I have a few different circle of friends, and sometimes they get to overlap and last night was one of those occasions.  I haven't laughed that hard in awhile and it was really fun to just escape my daily drama... 

Looking forward to the next time already!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

My heart is breaking

I just got a text from a friend... she is having a miscarriage and losing her baby.  So sad...

For a friend...

Pay no attention to the crazy lady cutting flowers off your bushes...

I have the coolest neighbors, hands down.  We have a bit of a friendly rivalry going with our neighbors two doors down, Chris and Jessica.  We both have been partners in crime with the sod saga of two years ago, and have traded yard tips back and forth for the 7 years that we've been neighbors.  But there's one thing I have been envious over for the last several years and I just can't hide it... I cannot grow hydrangeas to save my life, and Chris has the LARGEST, most beautiful hydrangea bush with purple and blue blooms and wow, it's just so pretty

Well he told me to cut some of them and take them home.  So I did.  Aren't they gorgeous!???
I'm so jealous - these are so beautiful.  One day maybe I'll be in the big leauges and can grow these.  I've literally killed 6 of them.  Burnt to a crisp, no matter where I put them.  Sigh...

My TV boyfriends

I stole this from Leah, who stole this from another person.  And the only reason I'm really posting it is because I was laughing so hard I almost peed my pants.  Literally.

Pacey 4-ever!

My TV boyfriends

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Quote of the day

Stolen from a friend's Facebook status...

"Perhaps our eyes need to be washed by our tears once in a while so we can see life with a clearer view again."

Monday, June 20, 2011


I had the worst dream last night.  But, it's not the first time I've dreamt this dream.  In fact, I've probably seen this dream at least 10 times over the last 6+ years and every time I wake up the exact same way - in tears.

I dreamt I was sitting on a bench outside of my sister's dorm building in college and we were just talking and laughing.  I mean laughing so hard, I could barely breathe.  Then all at once I remember that Heather is going to die and I started hugging her, sobbing.  I'm sobbing because I'm the only one who knows she's going to die.  And I can't tell her what's wrong and it makes me even more sad. 

I wake up crying in the middle of the night every time I have this dream and last night was no exception.  I woke up at 3am and could not get back to sleep.

I miss her.

Thursday, June 16, 2011


I currently have 18 games of Words with Friends going at the same time.  To say I'm addicted is a gross understatement.  I can't help it though - it's like a PRIDE thing when I lose to certain people.  For example, there's a friend in Austin that I play with that was a friend of my brother's.  He's beaten me 11 times!  I'm getting annoyed I keep losing to him!  If you wanna play, let me know... username is carriegriffin1011

GPOY(taken by your six year old)W

I meant to post this yesterday but I was so slammed that I wrote it out and forgot to hit post.  So here you go, a day late...

I have to laugh at this picture.  My son Brier took this while we were sitting on the couch playing Super Mario Brothers... AGAIN.  He is off of school for the summer and is so bored out of his mind.  He was playing around with my iPhone and wanted to take my picture, so this is what we got.  Just laugh.  It's funny.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Haiku of the day

Ode to my Jeep...

My dear Jeep Wrangler
I miss you on sunny days
Need a new one soon.

Saw this in the shopping center this morning and it made me nostalgic:

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Damn I'm slow!

I just got my official race time from the 5k I ran on Saturday...


Um, yeah.  I was 2073rd place.  hahahahaha   But the good thing is, I ran 3 miles for a good cause!  I wanted to finish in under 34 minutes... I guess that's about as close as you can get.

My baby is 2 today.

I used to sing this to Tyler when he was a baby.  It's from the Disney movie Dumbo and it always made me sad when the other elephants would make fun of Dumbo because he was different.  Tyler was born different too, but he was still a miracle in my eyes.  I'm emotional today.  My son is officially NOT a baby anymore - and there won't be any more babies in this house. 

Baby mine, don't you cry
Baby mine, dry your eyes
Rest your head close to my heart
Never to part, baby of mine

Little one when you play
Don't you mind what you say
Let those eyes sparkle and shine
Never a tear, baby of mine

If they knew sweet little you
They'd end up loving you too
All those same people who scold you
What they'd give just for
The right to hold you
From your head to your toes
You're not much, goodness knows
But you're so precious to me
Cute as can be, baby of mine

Friday, June 10, 2011

Quote of the day...

… Life is too short to be anything but happy. Falling down is a part of life, getting back up is living.


Red Bull tastes like Pez.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

snap out of it

I just spent the last 10 minutes or so staring out the front window of my house, watching a huge bumblebee go from flower to flower in my flowerbeds. 

I really need to snap out of it...

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Wow, that went fast...

My baby is turning 2 years old in less than a week.  I have been so emotional over the fact that he won't be a baby anymore.  I guess it's because I don't plan on having any more children that this is hitting me so hard.  We have moved all the baby toys out of the house and he's playing with big boy stuff.  He'll probably be moving out of his crib soon too, which is so hard to believe. 

I think back on how far he has come in the last two years.  Tyler was born with bilateral clubbed feet.  Which means that his first several months of life would require him to wear casts on his legs.  Not just casts on his feet - they went from his toes to his thighs.  It was so pitiful to see him in those casts and there were several nights I would rock him to sleep and just cry because I wanted him to be "normal".  I got tired of people asking me what was wrong  with him. 

He had two different surgeries to fix his achilles' tendons.  I felt so helpless... and RESPONSIBLE... that he was having to go through that - like it was my fault he was born that way.  Then came the braces, 24 hours a day.  He learned to crawl army-style, dragging himself along.  He learned to stand much earlier than he probably would have because he had those braces to help him.

But Tyler is the happiest little boy you have ever seen.  You'd never know he had a rough start.  He runs now.  He jumps now.  He has no fear.  He is the bravest and craziest of my two boys.  He's the one I worry about getting hurt playing sports.  He's the one I will worry about for the rest of my life.

Happy Birthday to my rusty buzzard.  :)

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

GPOY(with rich hair)W

My friend Leah frequently talks about the concept of rich hair.  You know, the kind that people write commercials about.  Remember Jhirmack bounceback beautiful hair?  Yeah, I actually had someone tell me I had hair like that.  The kind that people pay good money to get.  Perm anyone?  ha!  Anyhow, I happened to catch a good picture of my (albeit huge but equally as) rich hair on Sunday and I wanted to use that picture today.  Because dammit I'm proud of my pretty hair.  I didn't get pretty skin, pretty nails, pretty teeth... might as well work with what you were given right? 

Behold... my rich hair...

Don't hate me because it's beautiful.  :)