My baby is turning 2 years old in less than a week. I have been so emotional over the fact that he won't be a baby anymore. I guess it's because I don't plan on having any more children that this is hitting me so hard. We have moved all the baby toys out of the house and he's playing with big boy stuff. He'll probably be moving out of his crib soon too, which is so hard to believe.
I think back on how far he has come in the last two years. Tyler was born with bilateral clubbed feet. Which means that his first several months of life would require him to wear casts on his legs. Not just casts on his feet - they went from his toes to his thighs. It was so pitiful to see him in those casts and there were several nights I would rock him to sleep and just cry because I wanted him to be "normal". I got tired of people asking me what was wrong with him.
He had two different surgeries to fix his achilles' tendons. I felt so helpless... and RESPONSIBLE... that he was having to go through that - like it was my fault he was born that way. Then came the braces, 24 hours a day. He learned to crawl army-style, dragging himself along. He learned to stand much earlier than he probably would have because he had those braces to help him.
But Tyler is the happiest little boy you have ever seen. You'd never know he had a rough start. He runs now. He jumps now. He has no fear. He is the bravest and craziest of my two boys. He's the one I worry about getting hurt playing sports. He's the one I will worry about for the rest of my life.
Happy Birthday to my rusty buzzard. :)
and the cutest little ginger i've EVER seen!