Saturday, February 4, 2012

Cue the panic

Jayson's bloodwork results came back today.  Total cholesterol: 298!!!!  Oh.  My.  God. 

Again, I say this to anyone reading this blog...  PLEASE go to the doctor at least once a year and keep track of things like high cholesterol, because if left unchecked, it can KILL YOU.

I'm fighting the overwhelming urge to panic.  It's harder than it sounds.  Given the day I had on Thursday when it was all I could think about and dread, the fear I have is more real than I thought possible.  I've resigned to immediately overhaul everything in our kitchen and pantry.  He needs to be on his medication again, but I won't be responsible for this family's poor eating habits anymore.  No more crap food in this house.  Fruits, veggies, lean meats.  No more crap.  I promise. 

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