Friday, February 28, 2014


The lounge of the car dealership is an interesting place to spend your Friday morning.  I had an appointment to get my car serviced (just an oil change - hooray me for my proactiveness!) and I'm trying not to overhear this gentleman's conversation sitting three seats over from me.  He somehow has "lost" almost a half a million dollars.  And the entire lounge here can't help but be invested in whether or not he finds this money.  He's made at least 10 phone calls trying to track it down.

A few observations:

1.  What does this man even do for a living that he has $13M in the bank?

2.  Can I get a job there?

3.  If I was his accountant, I would have been fired for this mishap.

4.  I totally hope he finds the money.

5.  I also hope he decides that money isn't everything and when he finds the missing money, donates it to charity!  (a girl can dream right?)

Happy Friday y'all!

Thursday, February 27, 2014

This is pretty cool!

I'm tired just watching this!

In case you missed it...

The Tar Heels played the Wolfpack last night in Raleigh.  It was a pretty exciting game - UNC was trailing almost the entire time!  The game went into overtime, with UNC winning by one point, 85-84. 

In honor of our win, Jayson put the flag out this morning.

Isagenix update

24 days into it...

- I'm down exactly 10 pounds as of this morning
- Jayson is down 17.2 pounds!
- Soda addiction is completely cured.  I attempted to drink a Diet Dr Pepper yesterday, just to see if I still liked it.  NOPE.  Just eww!

I can't wait to see where I end up at the end of the month!

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Quote of the day

In times of grief and sorrow I will hold you and rock you and take your grief and make it my own. When you cry I cry and when you hurt I hurt. And together we will try to hold back the floods to tears and despair and make it through the potholed street of life.
— Nicholas Sparks, The Notebook

Thanks Erik!

I just found my newest addition to my running playlist!

Monday, February 24, 2014

Skiing Recap

I took Brier to Boone on Friday after I picked him up from school and we had a "Mommy and Me" date to go skiing (first time for him!) on Saturday.  I didn't tell Brier where we were going for the first hour of our trip and it only made the suspense of it all that much more fun!

He looked like he had done this a million times already...

Here we are getting our lift tickets - He's so excited!

We arrived at Sugar Mountain pretty early on Saturday morning and I got Brier signed up for a lesson.

 He did great!  He was ready to go and we headed up the mountain!

It ended up getting up to 60 degrees in the sunshine.  We were sweating like crazy!

Here he is going down the mountain.  How awesome am I that I can film and ski without falling down?  Woo hoo!

We were exhausted by the end of the day!  What a great time!  I can't wait to do it again next year!

Friday, February 21, 2014


As if I needed any more reasons to love Jimmy Fallon's show - this was awesome! Whoever did this needs a day job. ha!

First things first


Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Guess what tomorrow is...?

Duke-Carolina, The Blue Blood Rivalry Movie Trailer from Hassan Pinto on Vimeo.

Quote of the day

One day, whether you
are 14,
or 65

you will stumble upon
someone who will start
a fire in you that cannot die.

However, the saddest,
most awful truth
you will ever come to find––

is they are not always
with whom we spend our lives.
—Beau Taplin, "The Awful Truth"

Oh Coach K...

Sunny Conditions Likely to Delay Duke Game Again

Mike Krzeisfhssky is a sneaky man.

Mike Krzeisfhssky is a sneaky man.

Duke University expressed uncertainty at being able to attend Thursday’s men’s basketball match against UNC on Sunday despite warm weather, citing the odd requirements of their new bus drivers.
“We fired the old bus drivers because they couldn’t deal with a little bit of snow, but it turns out these new ones have a weird thing with mid-70s temperatures and partly cloudy skies” said Duke’s head coach Mike Krysvellsdfski. “We’re trying hard to re-train them and should make our final decision about the time Phase 1 students will be admitted to the stadium,” the full-time coach and part-time rodent added.

UNC’s head coach, Roy Williams, was disappointed with the news as it came after a prior postponement due to snow last week.

“If those got dern [sic] Duke serns [sic] of bitches post pone [sic] the game again I’m gonna have a daggum [sic] canniption [sic] fit,”  reported Williams via an email to The Onyen.

A UNC basketball game has never been delayed two times in the same season, but all sources contacted agree that it would be a very Duke thing to do.

Like us on Facebook and Twitter and we’ll donate one vowel to Coach K’s last name.

Wow. Just wow.

So I'm hiring an assistant, and these are just a few of the gems in the resumes I've received so far:

Too bad she can't spell "proficiently."  Then again, if she used a program like Microsoft Word that had spell check, she would have found that error.

The position specifically asked for someone with a meticulous attention to detail.  That would include using the appropriate words at the appropriate time.

And this guy just made me want to punch him in the throat.  Repeatedly.  Not a single word about his work experience, but definitely plenty to claim how wonderful he is.  Is this what they are teaching kids nowadays?  Side note: he's from New Jersey, so maybe it comes with the territory.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014


It may not seem that fast to you, but this is one of the best 5k times I've ever had!  I shaved off over 3 minutes from my last 5k time and this run felt almost effortless.  Who would have thought that just changing the way I'm eating would give me so much more energy?  I literally used to feel like I was weighted down and my whole body hurt when I ran.  I don't feel like that now!  HOORAY!!

Sunday, February 16, 2014

I'm ready for a miracle...

The piano men

So far the boys are loving the piano.  Even Brier, who thought he didn't want to play anymore.  :)

What do you think?

I sent this picture to a friend (who didn't know I was doing Isagenix) and she said I looked a lot thinner.  What do you think? 

Wednesday, February 12, 2014


I almost quit my job today.


...He is mighty to save

Matthew 11:28-30

28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

Monday, February 10, 2014

Friday, February 7, 2014

Five for Friday

Sorry Leah, but I always steal your post idea.

1.  I am so far beyond even attempting to hide my disdain for all of the bullshit going on at work today.  My attitude sucks and even I am surprised by it lately.  It's time for me to move on.  Seriously.

2.  I am hungry.  I have no idea what I'm cooking for dinner.

3.  Tomorrow is my first "cleanse" day on this Isagenix stuff.   I am terrified.  Scratch that - I am scared shitless.  Pray for me.

4.  I think I am going to watch the Opening Ceremonies from the comfort of my own bed and pass out around 8:15pm tonight.

5.  My only plans this weekend include making the decorations for my sister-in-laws baby shower next weekend and cleaning my office.  Man that's beautiful.  Do you think they miss me at Panera yet?

Well said, Mark.

I have said many times that if I were ever stranded on an island and I could only eat one food for the rest of my days, it would be a Big A Burger from Arnold's. Now for those of you who are not from Richlands, NC, this may not mean a whole lot to you ... but for generations of natives from this little town of Perfect Water, it means everything.

It means first dates, and first kisses … its means an after-school brawl in the parking lot … it means a kid on a summer’s day scrapping 23 dimes together so he can go get a Big A Special which at that time cost $2.30. It meant some sort of independence or sense-there-of for that same little boy because his mom would let him walk there alone.

I grew up about 200 yards from Arnold’s. When I was a wee-little fella it was Tastee-Freeze. It is my first memory of soft-serve ice cream, and what it meant to spend time with your family when all three kids were being rewarded for good behavior.

When I could scrape up enough money, I would shoot out of my parents’ front door, run across Mrs. Brenda Taylor’s yard, under the low-hanging trees in Mrs. King’s yard, across Foy Street and into the lot in front of Dr. Meece’s … There was a big ditch (or at least it seemed big) that you had to jump over into the front of Mobley’s Mobile home lot, across the front of First Fruit’s store front and into Arnold’s. I’ve walked it a million times. At least.

Walking took about 3 minutes. Running? Ninety seconds. On my bike? I could be there in 20 seconds. Just depended on if I had enough money for a hot apple pie, or whatever the extra motivation it was that day.

Since those times, I have traveled all over this world. I have eaten in some of the finest restaurants money can buy. And tasted things that were delicacies and mouth-watering and downright delectable … I am here to tell you my friend, nothing will EVER top a Big A Burger.

But there is one key to a Big A, and no disrespect to all of those that have prepared a Big A that I could not wait to devour … but no one made them like Roger. Nobody. There is something in the way he steamed the bun just right and knew the perfect amount of sauce to put on it … As a 7-year-old or a 41-year-old, if I walked through those doors and saw Roger Mobley cooking, I gave myself a motionless-high five and a little “YES!” under my breath.

But there were also times when I bypassed Arnold’s. Sometimes my mother would need something from the Pig. I would walk right past Arnold’s, right in front, inches from the door and look inside to see those people eating, or those in the drive thru that was added years later, and think, “you lucky dogs.” I LOVED Arnold’s. But even when it wasn’t my destination, it was always a part of the journey. My journey.

There was also the time I asked for a bike for Christmas. I went with my mother to John Rand’s Western Auto and picked out this sweet 20-inch number that I wanted so bad … well, for those of you who know me, I was a tall kid and about this time I was hitting my spurt, so my mom wanted to get me a 26-inch. So we asked Mr. John if he could get that exact same bike in 26-inches. He said he could, I was excited, all was well.

Christmas morning came that year, and in my living room sat this 26-inch dirt bike that looked nothing like the one I had picked out at the Western Auto. I moaned, and frowned. My dad asked didn’t I like the bike? I said “it’s not what I wanted.” My dad said, “No problem. If you do not appreciate the bike your mother got for you, then you don’t ride it. When Mr. John opens up after the holidays, you can WALK it back to the store and return it yourself.”

And I did.

10-years-old and I walked that bike down Hwy. 258, past Arnold’s and right to the Western Auto and returned it myself. I never got another new bike, but that is ok. I learned a lesson in appreciating what is given to you … and I have ridden that further than I could have ever ridden that bike.

So why do I tell you this? Because everyone in Richlands knows Arnold took his family to Florida during the holidays, every year. When I walked the bike to the Western Auto, and when I walked back past it empty-handed on the way home, all I could think of is that I wish Arnold’s was open, because that is the only thing in this world that would have made it OK, and made me smile again.

Arnold’s was a corner stone. If you couldn’t play for the Toot-And-Tell-It sponsored Little League Team, you wanted to play for Tastee-Freeze, and later Arnold’s. Because if you won, you got to eat there for FREE!!! I am not lying when I tell you that landing on the Worrell’s Exterminating Little League Team was one of the worst days of my life. I wanted free burgers. And I wanted them from Arnold’s.

It was the location of all local happenings. Town Hall sessions should have been held there. If you needed local information, you could get it at Arnold’s. If you needed to post a flier, they would let you. It was the center of our universe. It was the linchpin of our known-world. It was the trading-post, farmer’s market, movie theatre and mall all wrapped into one … because we had none of those things. We had Arnold’s.

I could share a million memories with you about Arnold’s. Like the time I had to get a shot at the doctor and afterward my mom took me to Arnold’s. Or the time I got in trouble for cussing at Randy Robinson’s house … I felt so remorseful and was so tearful, you got it, mom took me to Arnold’s. When my first serious girlfriend and I broke up? Yep, Arnold’s. When we buried my Granny … we all went to eat at Arnold’s afterward. I could go on forever, and so could you …

Arnold’s was home. It was the first place I stopped whenever I came back to Richlands. I once drove home from college and got two Big A’s, a large onion ring and a sweet tea … ate them and went right back to school and never even told my parents I was there. And mind you, they live 200 yards away.

We all watched Nola’s kids grow up. When Arnold passed, we were all breathless and fearful that the place would close … it didn’t … because it had a life of its own. But even the most revered life, the most decorated of soldiers and the tastiest of burgers and fried chicken eventually come to an end …

I know the Big A was a knock-off of the Big Mac. But I have never eaten a Big Mac. A Big Mac just didn’t compare. And when the doors close on Richlands Blvd Sunday, nothing else you ever build in that town, or any other meal I will ever eat will ever compare with Arnold’s.

The skyline of that sleepy little town will never be the same … The Arnold’s sign lit everything from there to my parents’ house … those lights won’t be there to help us find our way home any more. Then, again … without Arnold’s, is it worth finding?

- John Mark Riggs, Richlands native

Side Note

This is what played out last night when I had an extra Big A Special (it's a burger from Arnolds) that another friend was meeting me to pick up.  This is funny because:

1.  We live in Durham.

2.  He's black (and gorgeous by the way).

3.  I passed him a white bag out of my car window.

4.  I have no idea what happens during a drug deal, but this is what my naive self imagined.

Quote of the day

The universe determines who walks into your life. It is up to you to decide who you let walk away, who you let stay, and who you refuse to let go.

- Unknown

Farewell Arnold's!

I have the best friends in the whole world.  My buddy, BP Cox, was thoughtful enough to bring me a cheeseburger "all the way" from Arnold's in Richlands last night!  I knew I wouldn't be able to get home before Saturday (if at all) and he grabbed me one and brought it back to Raleigh for me.  Thank you BP.  I love you, babe!! 

I know this doesn't seem like that big of a deal to most people, but Arnold's was a piece of "home" for me.  I don't get to go home much because my family doesn't live there anymore, but this was always a constant, a comfort.  Arnold's was where I had my first real job.  It was where we went after basketball and football games.  It was where I grabbed breakfast in the mornings when I wanted a country ham biscuit.  It was where I stopped every single time I went through town so that I could get a butterscotch milkshake.  It was a part of my young adulthood that is sadly ending and moving on.

And it was still as familiar and as tasty as I remember.

Thursday, February 6, 2014


Another update

Not to be over the top with this Isagenix stuff (because God knows, some people can be!), I stepped on the scale this morning and was down 7 pounds.  7 POUNDS!  In THREE DAYS!  I am shocked that it's falling off the way it has and all I'm doing is not drinking soda and drinking these shakes for breakfast and lunch.  Crazy.  I'm happy with my progress so far and I hope it continues... :)

Well played, Universe

I went to file my taxes last night, and this was the verification code I had to type in.  I couldn't stop laughing!

I'm in mourning :(

They're almost out of inventory and will probably not be open on Saturday.  WAHHHH!  So long Arnolds, you will be missed dearly!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014


I've had it pointed out by two different coworkers today that I have ceased to attempt hiding my bitch face during video conference calls.

Sorry I'm not sorry.

Quote of the day

those who escape hell
never talk about
and nothing much
bothers them
— Charles Bukowski

Monday, February 3, 2014

Quote of the day

Reblogged from Leah...

Music, you know, true music - not just rock n roll - it chooses you. It lives in your car, or alone listening to your headphones, you know, with the cast scenic bridges and angelic choirs in your brain. It’s a place apart from the vast, benign lap of America.
—PSH as Lester Bangs, “Almost Famous”

5 ways to win my heart

1.  Make me a mix tape.  (or CD, or playlist)

2.  Buy me flowers.  (yes it's cliche but I love this)

3.  Quote lines from my favorite movies at appropriate times.

4.  Let me snuggle.

5.  Rub my feet.

My kids are "special"

THIS is why I will miss this guy immensely...

Little inside jokes peppered within work emails are what I live for:

Isagenix initial thoughts

1.  The Ionix drink first thing in the morning is gross.

2.  The chocolate shake is kind of blah.  And thick.

3.  I'm hungry.

4.  I better have fucking washboard abs by the end of the month because I am not feeling this right now.

Oh Mia Michaels, You're going DOWN!