Thursday, March 20, 2014

Run Tyler Run!

Today was the day we've been waiting on for over two months now.  My son Tyler got his casts taken off!  Here's what we're looking at...

Man, did his feet stink!  I can't wait to get him into the bathtub tonight (complete with lots of bubbles and no ziplock bags!).  His scarring is actually pretty minimal - it's hard to tell from the picture.

Tyler is so excited about his "robot legs!"  They have Batman on them this time and are blue and black.  Very cool.  I think he looks so ridiculously cute here.  He's so proud and he's so brave and I am constantly brought to tears at how tough this little guy is.  How can you even be sad when he's wearing a smile that big?

He gets to wear these braces pretty much all the time for the next 4 weeks.  Then he'll wear them a few hours a day for 2 months... and then we're done!  FOREVER!

Considering Tyler hasn't been able to wear shoes or socks for the last two and a half months, our first stop was to the shoe store!  He wanted to buy Darth Vader shoes (when did my kids choose the dark side?!) and unfortunately they didn't fit.  We'll go back and buy them once the braces are off.

I know a simple thing like shoe shopping doesn't seem that significant, but Tyler had casts on his feet for the first 3 months of his life, he had to wear the Ponsetti shoes for much of the first year, and he has never really had normally shaped feet that made it easy to wear normal shoes.  This is quite a big deal.

We celebrated our good morning with a chocolate chip muffin top!  Life is good!

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