Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Stressed much?

So I spent the first several hours of Friday evening in the emergency room trying to figure out what happened to cause me to have a near-fainting spell at my children's school earlier in the day.  I blacked out, I couldn't move my legs, I almost fell and it was absolutely frightening.

After several tests and a brief stint in this classy hospital gown, they sent me on my merry way, proclaiming that nothing was wrong with me.

Fast forward to three days later and the stress of worrying that I will have that happen again has caught up to me.  These are the new jeans that I just bought, that were actually snug when I bought them (in hopes they would be my new "goal pants").  They are FALLING OFF OF ME.  If that isn't stress weight loss, I don't know what is!

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