Tuesday, September 27, 2011


I have a date on Friday afternoon.  A date with my friend Wendy.  At a tattoo parlor in Wilmington. 

I've got a tattoo that I've had since I was 18 years old (yeah that was clearly a smart idea) that has faded so bad that I need to have it re-inked. I have spent way too much time in the tanning bed over the last 15 years and my poor tattoo went from being black and red to a strange gray and pink.  I will be getting that touched up and made nice again on friday afternoon, and I will be watching Wendy get tattoo #8 I believe.  She's crazy but I love her.  I've debated getting tattoo #2 for several years now.  It took forever to decide where I wanted the first one -and I've gone back and forth as to whether or not I want another one.  I've wavered on where to get it, what it would be, how big or small it would be.  I'm having second thoughts and I believe I'm going to wait and decide if I like this tattoo artist before I decide to get the second one.

I know what you're thinking - nice girls don't get tattoos.  Eww.  Why on earth would you want a tattoo, much less more than one?  I believe tattoos are incredibly personal.  I was an immature teenager when I got my first one, and it doesn't have much meaning to me.  I think that's why it's so hard to decide what I'd want for the second one.  I want something with my children's names.  I want something to remember my sister.  I want something that means something to me.  I want something that's a symbol to my husband.  And that is exactly why I can't commit to the next one!

If I could have more than one, this is what I would have; 1) a butterfly for my sister,  2) a winnie the pooh for Brier (I call him Pooh for his nickname), 3) a pair of shoes with wings for Tyler (because he has conquered his clubbed feet) 4) a claddagh for Jayson and 5) the simple phrase "this too shall pass" for myself.   There's no way I will get 5 more tattoos...

What do you think I should get?  Or should I get one at all?

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