Tuesday, January 10, 2012

I'm very overwhelmed lately

I have to just take a minute and make a very obvious observation.  I am completely and utterly overwhelmed lately.  And not just like, Oh my God, I'm so busy.  I mean, SERIOUSLY overwhelmed. 

Between juggling the kids, family commitments, birthdays, holidays, housecleaning, home management, my job, the extra things I'm working on for my job, three implementations this month, training a new employee, creating a global marketing plan, MBA school, working out, trying to read to clear my head, and organizing my house, I honestly don't have a clue how I'm able to get anything done.

I need a week to regroup.  But sadly, I can't really take any days off until sometime in late February.  And honestly, something's gotta give between  now and then.  So why am I spending precious moments blogging this morning?  Because if I don't say this and admit this, I'm going to crack.  I'm talking Level 3 meltdown, complete with tears.  So here it goes...

I AM EXHAUSTED, OVERWHELMED, AND I NEED A VACATION.  I took all of 2 days off at Christmas and that was not nearly long enough.

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there Carrie! I know it's easy to say but it sounds like despite what is all going on at once, take some time for yourself or you'll do more than Level 3. Having so much going on can lead to mistakes. Take deep breath, analyze the situation and take the measures that will be best for you. Good luck! JWA
