Tuesday, January 3, 2012

My Resolutions

Every year I make resolutions, and some of them stick and some of them don't.  I thought I would go ahead and write out my resolutions here so that I could look back in a year and see how well (or poorly) I did this year.  So here goes...

My Resolutions
1.  To limit the number of plastic bottles we put into the recycle bin.  (Every week, it's overflowing with water bottles.  Plastic bottles are made from petroleum - less bottles = less of an impact on gas prices.  Ever notice how the price of gas went up right around the time bottled water became popular?)
2.  To make more of an effort to cook healthy dinners at home, and in turn reduce the amount of money we spend on eating in restaurants.
3.  To get skinny FIT instead of be skinny fat.  (Starting P90X on Thursday - wanna join me?)
4.  To finally learn to play the guitar.  (I've already signed up for lessons, that was the first step!)
5.  To keep my 4.0 GPA in my MBA program.  (My class this quarter is Marketing - HECK YEAH)
6.  To make more of an effort to call my friends as opposed to having text conversations.
7.  To spend more of my free time with my husband.
8.  To finally pay off the rest of our credit card debt. 
9.  To start from today (and eventually catch up) on the scrapbooks for my children.  So many digital pictures, but nothing in albums.  Such a shame...
10.  To not drink alcohol.  This is a big one for me because I feel like it's such an issue lately.  In the spirit of mind and body health, this is very important.

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