Thursday, July 26, 2012

Late night love notes

A text conversation between my SEESTER and I at 1:00am.

Jenn is my adopted sister, or SEESTER, as we call each other.  She was my sister Heather's best friend and partner in crime, and she is my favorite link to my redhead - especially since she passed away almost 8 years ago.  There are many reasons why I love Jenn, but my favorite is because she hasn't let my sister's memory die.  The inside jokes between Heather and I, and the inside jokes between Jenn and Heather will forever live on between the two of us. 

Case in point, see above.  (When Heather and I would talk on the AOL instant messenger back in the day, we had a code word that we would say when we were finally signing off and shutting down.  We picked the word spaghetti - random, I know!  I believe I have only typed it out in its entirety once.  It was always "spag".  And Jenn knows this.) 

I'm so thankful to have Jenn in my life.  She's not a replacement for my sister, but she does a damn good job of filling in.  Love you SEESTER!

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