Monday, January 20, 2014

Tyler update

The last few days have been somewhat of a blur.  Unfortunately my worst fears came true after Tyler came out of surgery on Friday and he was in a great deal of pain.  He spent the better part of the first 48 hours in varying levels of anguish and it was one of the worst things I've ever experienced as a parent because there was absolutely nothing I could do to help him.

 When he came out of surgery, he had was really drugged up and had a hard time adjusting to the anesthesia.  I was terrified he was going to have a terrible reaction but I found some calm when I looked up and saw these on the ceiling:

It was like his guardian angel was watching over him as he slept. 

 This is how we spent the first night.

The doctor had to come back the next morning and actually saw open his casts to relieve some of the pressure.  He was hurting pretty badly.

After two days of trying to get his pain meds figured out, he finally had a great day today.  He even managed to eat breakfast this morning in his fancy new ride.

Please continue to pray for my little redhead.  He has quite a long way to go.  I appreciate all of the calls and texts and emails I've gotten from my friends and family.  You can't even imagine the lifeline you were for me in this difficult time.

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