If you were a fictional character who would you be?
Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz. She's proof that a gorgeous pair of shoes can take you places.
How did you get your name? My mom was a fan of the Little House on the Prairie books. Carrie was the youngest daughter in the stories.
Do you have a signature “something”? (smell, color, style): My hair is pretty legendary I guess. But to be honest, I have worn "vanilla-flavored" perfume since about 1994. Yes vanilla. And no not vanilla fields - but I'm not telling you what. People tell me I smell tasty, so I'd say it's a plus.
If you were given $500 that you cannot spend on bills, what would you buy? 20 pedicures. true story.
Favorite Beatle: I'm actually not a huge fan. I mean, I like their music, but I couldn't tell you the words to most of their songs. Sorry Leah, I know that is like a knife to the heart.
First CD you ever bought: Pearl Jam - Ten and Paula Abdul's Spellbound
Preference: I like to cuddle.
Fictional character you most want to marry: Noah from the Notebook.
You're killin' me C! xoxo Also, you have the best answer, Noah from the Notebook is PERFECT!