Monday, November 12, 2012

Meet the Blogger

Stolen from Leah as usual.

Meet the Blogger

 I love stealing things from her - she also steals them from Tumblr so we're all even. 

Name:   Carrie Ann (Hawkins) Griffin - fact: 95% of my male friends still call me Carrie Hawkins.  I think they are in denial I've been married for almost 10 years.

Height: 5’8"

Eye Color: blue.  sometimes grey - depends on what I'm wearing

Birthday: December 8th - DONT FORGET

Favorite color: purple actually

Mac or PC: Mac.  I'm a covert.  Those that say PC are clueless because they don't have a Mac.

Current shirt color: burgundy

Gamer?:  If by gaming you mean Just Dance on the Wii, then FUCK YEAH.  I OWN that game.

Day or night:  Day. Totally.

Celebrity crush:   Christian Bale.  Or Ryan Reynolds.  They are both on my approved list from J.  :)

Coffee?:   Hell no.  But I LOVE the way Hazelnut coffee smells.  It's actually my favorite smell in the WHOLE wide world.  I mean that.

Favorite Food: Mexican food.    Or Japanese hibachi.

Extras:  Not only can I juggle, I can juggle batons.  And fire batons.  Hell yes. :)

1 comment:

  1. favorite episode ever. also, relevant.
