It's been a long time since I've gotten TRULY good news about stuff at work. In fact, I struggle at times to recall a time when a "surprise all hands" actually ended up to be a positive, happy surprise and internal, pre-meeting scuttle amongst the rank and file was positive, eager anticipation instead of negatives, fear, and dread.
Having said that, our company received a very awesome award yest
I was on our all-hands call with other folks peppered across the
country via webcam and it was nice to see everyone so happy. One of our
peeps was just this dark mass in front of a window of trees à la one of
those 60 Minutes "obscured identity" interviews. One person was even
with a client. Someone said, "Stop bursting my eardrums!" because they
were "w000000"ing so loudly.
I used to ask folks to imagine how it felt that day at Apple, the day Steve came out on stage with their first 2G iPhone to show it to a flip-phone world. Well, this isn't THAT big, yet, but I have gotten a good reminder of what it feels like to be making a real difference again. And it feels good.
It's wonderful to see the company and team recognized by a consortium of individuals whose mission is to seek out innovation. But the award in and of itself isn't what excites me so much about this. What excites me is the acknowledgement that we are on a good path for both ourselves and our customers.
What they don't know, yet, is that we've only just gotten /started/.
I used to ask folks to imagine how it felt that day at Apple, the day Steve came out on stage with their first 2G iPhone to show it to a flip-phone world. Well, this isn't THAT big, yet, but I have gotten a good reminder of what it feels like to be making a real difference again. And it feels good.
It's wonderful to see the company and team recognized by a consortium of individuals whose mission is to seek out innovation. But the award in and of itself isn't what excites me so much about this. What excites me is the acknowledgement that we are on a good path for both ourselves and our customers.
What they don't know, yet, is that we've only just gotten /started/.
Well said Baron. Well said.
WiserTogether Inc. won the Industry Innovator Award for 2012 from the Institute of Healthcare Consumerism. What an awesome feeling! We are just getting started!
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