Monday, November 17, 2014

Real conversations

One month to go until 10 years...

...and it hit me like a ton of bricks last night.  I saw this posted on Facebook and it reminded me of the loss like it was only yesterday.

This one was my favorite:

7. She was everything you’re not. Everything you were not was all that she was, and that made you feel like you were part of a whole. You looked up to her for all that she could do, and she did the same to you.

I miss you Heather.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Quote of the day

When life throws you curveballs, swing at those jerks like Stevie Wonder with a light saber!

- Jenn Guidry

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Guess who got a hair cut?

It's amazing how much you can change when you get a simple hair cut.  My hair color got much darker because she cut all of the blonde highlights off.  What do you think?

I bake cookies and shit