Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Advice from a former protege

Let's be honest, I haven't exactly been the most positive influence at work lately, but reading this post on my friend Leah's blog today was a good reminder that 2013 is going to be the best year ever, if everyone remembers to follow these simple (and hilarious) rules:

Leah’s Guide to Being Moderately Successful by 30

- Do not reply all.  No matter the astounding level you’ve convinced yourself of your wit.

- Know your upper management.  I DO NOT mean try to talk your CIO into jager bombs (or tequila shots... cough cough, SD*) at a company outing.  I mean know the hierarchy and always introduce yourself.  Your face will surface each time..and they will remember.

- For CHRIST’S SAKE.  Spell check your fucking email. (and make sure you're sending the email to your coworker Steve and NOT your client Steve)

- Take advantage of benefits. Respectfully go to work functions... you HAVE to be a team player.  And you’ll have more fun than you anticipate.

- Nope.  He/She is a coworker.  Do not put your mouth on them.

- ESPECIALLY in the stairwell.

- During work hours.

- Remember people’s names.  (My trick- when you meet someone, repeat their name TWICE)…by saying, “Hi RUFUS, it’s nice to finally meet you RUFUS.”  It’ll stick that way.  And people recognize when you use and remember their name.

- Also, things about them.  Assholes loveeeeee to talk about themselves.  And we are allllllll assholes.

- ACTIVELY Listen.  Don’t just wait to talk.  ESPECIALLY relevant in meetings.

- Get good at speaking in front of people.  Avoid being Leah Greenwood and confusing that with a presentation being your performance.  Happy medium.

- Be hungry.  Ask for that next step, that extra responsibility, and set your eyes on the next goal and position.  Then TELL YOUR BOSS.  Often.

- Be positive.  The biggest impact you have on others is a contageous spirit and good attitude.

Oh Leah.  I'm so proud of you - you are wise beyond your years!  Thank you for the reminder and I promise I will try to uphold at least 5-6 of these next year.  Cheers!

1 comment:

  1. aw thanks C! And thanks for guiding me into the first "real" job of my career! xxoo
