Wednesday, December 5, 2012

I wish I knew how to help

I've been watching my neighbor across the street for the last 30 minutes or so.  She's outside and she's trying to clean out her minivan, and I can tell she's really struggling.  This is the first time I've seen her actually do this - her husband always did this before.  She's a little Asian woman and since we've lived in this house and in this neighborhood, we've never spoken two words to each other.  Granted, that's not for a lack of trying - I wave at her every time I see her, but the wave is never returned. 

My neighbor lost his battle with cancer a few weeks back.  None of us even knew he was sick.  And now his wife is left with just herself and her 5 year old daughter.  From what I understand, they don't have any family here.  They went to the Phillipines to bury her husband and they just got back a few days ago. 

I've wanted to reach out and let her know that I was here, in case she needed anything, but how do you walk up to someone and basically imply "Hey I know you're all alone now.  If you need anything, I'm here to help"?  I just wish I knew what to do.  Sigh...

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