Friday, February 1, 2013

Five for Friday

1.  I just ate a spoonful of leftover vanilla frosting out of the fridge, and I almost GAGGED at how sweet it was.  Whoa.  Leah, how on earth do you eat that??

2.  It's so cold here this week that getting undressed to get in the shower is the last thing on earth I want to do.

3.  Apparently there's a big football game going on this weekend.  I'm a Cowboys fan so I don't really give a shit.  Although I do love to watch the commercials.

4.  Today was Day 1 of No Fast Food February.  So far so good!

5.  I just was scheduled to host a "jeans" party in March.  You know, it's just like those other home parties where you buy jewelry or monogrammed tote bags or overpriced cooking stuff, but this one you get to try on fancy pants!  In my quest for none of my friends to wear Mom Jeans, I am taking this up a whole other level.  If you want to come, let me know!  Fancy pants for everyone!

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