Monday, October 31, 2011

My weekend, in a nutshell

My friends and I from college decided to come back to Chapel Hill this weekend to participate in the Alumni Marching Band during Homecoming.  I am confident enough in myself to tell you that band people are kind of nerdy.  I embrace my inner dork from time to time and remember the good times I had with some of my best friends... but it's hard to remember a lot of those times without associating myself with a certain ex-friend.  And I say ex-friend because 5 years ago I decided it was probably best to distance myself from someone who THRIVED on drama.  I mean honestly, this girl is so ridiculous, it would take a whole other blog just to show you examples of what I'm talking about.  

Back to my story though, this weekend I had to see her again.  When I decided to unfriend this person in real life, it put a huge distance between me and my other two girlfriends as well.  Oh well, collateral damage I guess.  Just being around her for five minutes reinforced the fact that I made the right choice 5 years ago.  Good Lord, she is a pain in the ass!

Some people never change.  Some people are just content to be discontent.  I'm just glad I don't have to deal with that on a constant basis like I used to.  Sometimes good stuff does come from the bad.

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