Friday, May 25, 2012

Five Fact Friday

1.  Running shorts that have the built in panties are just weird.
2.  It's so cold in my house that I could poke someone's eye out with my...  yeah, exactly.
3.  My yard is blooming - every single thing I have planted over the last 8 years is growing and beautiful and it makes me so happy.  It really is the little things...
4.  I'm going to the beach this weekend!!!!!!!!
5.  My boss is going out of the country for 11 days starting next Thursday.  I'll totally miss him, but THANK YOU LORD for the reprieve.

1 comment:

  1. Um you are not the only one who thinks work out shorts with built in underwear is weird!!!! a lot of the time i cut them out. i also have become incredibly picky with my work out shorts - they have to have a particular band for the waist because i HATE the ones that are so tight you look like you have fat rolls because it's pushing so hard into the body.
