Monday, August 6, 2012

Online shopping - a happy story!

It's not very often that I have a good story to tell about a shopping experience that went right.  Well... sort of right.  Here recently I have started doing my grocery shopping online.  Harris Teeter offers this at the location I shop at and I have raved about how much of a time saver this is for a busy working mom like myself.  You literally pick out your groceries online and you click here, click there, choose the time you want to pick it up and BAM you're finished.  I have been using the online grocery shopping since May and it is the greatest time saver.  I don't waste an hour in the grocery store every sunday.

SO, imagine my surprise when I drive up to the pickup lane on Saturday, the groceries were loaded into my car and I got all the way, unloaded the groceries and realized that I had someone else's food.  :-/   Online grocery shopping FAIL!

Now granted, this was a simple mistake - the teenager who pulled my groceries out of the fridge got mixed up with two different orders.  I had about half of my stuff, and half of the stuff for another family named the Sattlewhites. 

So back to the Harris Teeter I go, not upset at all (this is totally rare for me, by the way.  Normally I would have been irritated that I had to go BACK and do this all over again.  Call it divine intervention that I was in a good mood).  Anyhow, by the time I got back to the store, there were three cars in the Express Lane line waiting to pick up their groceries.  I went ahead and walked inside to talk to the manager.  Not only was the manager super apologetic, they had planned to refund my entire grocery purchase and DELIVER my stuff to my house.  I had just beat them back to the store before they realized their mistake.

So, moral of the story, I got my $153 worth of groceries for free this week (even though I insisted that was unnecessary and it was just a simple mistake), I got a $10 gift card towards next week, and I have the utmost respect for that team at the grocery store trying to correct their mistake.  They will continue to get my business!!

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