Monday, September 17, 2012

My weekend, in pictures

We had a busy weekend.  I figured it would be more fun to just do a highlight reel.  Here goes!

Brier had a soccer game this weekend.  They won 2-0!  I didn't think to take any shots while he was playing, so here's one of him shooting on the goal during warmups.

After the soccer game, we went to a birthday party for my friend Pam's little girl.  It was held at a farm out in Youngsville.  It was a lot of fun - the kids got to ride a train, take a hayride, see some farm animals, and pick out their own pumpkins.

Tyler didn't get a nap, so he was a grumpy butt most of the afternoon.

I got a new book this week and have read half of it already.  I am fascinated by what the public doesn't know and just how bad our government really is right now.  50 more days until the election - I am really hoping for a change in November.

I spent some more time volunteering at the library this weekend.  It makes me sad to see how run down the place is.  It's super dusty in there too.  I just want to clean the whole place and vacuum - people with borderline OCD like me don't do too well in places like that.  haha

I hope you had a good weekend!

1 comment:

  1. look like a bona fide librarian in that last pick! You know what they say about librarians? They can really read!
