Warning - scary picture ahead!
After a disastrous surprise video conference call yesterday (thanks Boss - a little warning would have been nice!), I decided that I needed to actually fix my hair. But being the girl that loves before and after shots, I thought I'd show you what goes into being a fine looking specimen like me. (I kid, I kid).
So behold... BEFORE:
No makeup. Blow-dried my hair with reckless abandon. That's some poofy shit right there!
Nice and sleek. A little mascara works miracles. Enjoy!
You remind me of Francine from American Dad when she goes ballistic at Stan. She tells him that he has no idea what it takes for her to be so beautiful and the mayhem begins! She stops putting on makeup and becomes something quite the opposite of what she appears. I know this sounds like an insult in a way but that isn't my intention. It's just funny because you make her point that women have to do a lot of primping to be the beautiful women we see them as and, in the end, if we can't love them at their base beauty, then there is no point. Anyway, you went from six-ish to ten in the before and after expose! (If you get mad at me, I understand. But, you know our friendship is the real thing because I like your personality no matter what!) JWA