Sunday, November 11, 2012

Thankful - Day 10 and 11

Catching up here!

Day 10:  Today I am thankful for my husband and his ability to "hold down the fort" while I'm out of town.  I came home and the house was relatively clean, there was a TENT in the playroom (the boys had slept in it for the past two nights), most of the laundry was done, and everyone was in a good mood.  Those little things make having to go out of town so worth it to come home to.

Day 11:    Today I am thankful to all of our military service personnel.  My father is retired Navy and my brother served in the Air Force, as did my father-in-law.  I have so many friends who are in the military or are married to people in the military, I never forget the sacrifices they make every day to ensure my freedom.  Happy Veterans Day!

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